Contact Us

Studio Location

262 Pinery Road
Burnt River, Ontario, K0M 1C0

Note: Business Hours by appointment

Contact Jan Anderson Direct

Phone: 705-488-2234

Other Places to Find Jan in 2024

Haliburton Campus

Lindsay Campus


About Jan

Jan is a passionate fibre artist who tells her stories through her art while challenging her audience to view the world with a renewed perspective.

Jan and her husband have been avid campers and hikers since the seventies. Jan’s studio is located on a “special” piece of land surrounded by river, rapids, wetlands, forest, and meadows and is home to a wide range of wild life. All this is featured prominently in her art work.

Jan’s grandfather nurtured her love for all forms of life. He taught her to be a conscious custodian of our environment. Jan is inspired by his gentle teachings and is passionate about stirring other souls to appreciate, respect, and fall in love with our great province and country. In her art, Jan includes elements of air, water, and earth and things that grow, creep, fly, swim, or walk.

Jan describes herself as a diverse textile artist who manipulates wax, rust, paint, dye, fabric and many other techniques to create her pieces. Each piece tells a story which starts from a distance and often draws the viewer to closer proximity where the story may continue in a slightly altered form or a new story begins.